
克里斯托弗Carcia, PhD, received his bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from Arcadia University in Glenside, Pennsylvania. Afterwards, he worked full-time in an outpatient orthopedic/sports medicine practice for 10 years in the Greater Hartford, 康涅狄格区域. In 1999, Carcia received his post-professional master’s degree in physical therapy with an emphasis in orthopedics from the Institute of Health Professions at 麻萨诸塞州 General Hospital in Boston, 麻萨诸塞州. In 2002, Carcia completed his PhD in Kinesiology with an emphasis in sports medicine at the University of Virginia. 博士毕业后, Carcia accepted a faculty position in the Department of Physical Therapy at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 他在迪肯的时候, 加西亚被授予终身教职, served as department chair and director of a PhD program in rehabilitation science.

Carcia teaches coursework in the areas of kinesiology and musculoskeletal physical therapy. His research focus is associated with the kinesiology and clinical biomechanics of both the upper and lower extremities. Carcia has published more than 35 papers in peer reviewed refereed journals, contributed to several book chapters and numerous national/international presentations.

尽管我是一名全职学者, Carcia has remained engaged in clinical practice on a part-time, 常年有限的基础. He feels strongly that continued clinical practice not only augments both his teaching and research but also ensures he remains contemporary in the field.

He is certified as both an orthopedic and sports specialist by the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties (ABPTS). Carcia is excited to serve as the founding program director in physical therapy at CMU.

在不教学或从事研究项目时, Carcia can be found either spending time with his family, riding his bike or hiking in and around the Grand Valley.


Hannah DC, 西贝克JS,加西亚CR, Phelps AL. Junior and collegiate tennis players display similar bilateral asymmetries of humeral retroversion. J运动训练. 提交-检讨中.

Carroll LA, Kivlan BR, Martin RL, Phelps AL, Carcia CR. The single leg squat test: a ‘top-down’ or ‘bottom-up’ functional performance test? 国际体育体育. In-press.

Cacolice PA, Carcia CR, Scibek JS. Shoulder flexion torque is augmented by a volitional abdominal isometric contraction. J强度和强度. In-press. http://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000003277

Cacolice PA, Carcia CR, Scibek JS, Phelps AL. Ground reaction forces are predicted with functional and clinical tests in healthy collegiate students. J Clin Med. 9, 2907; doi:10.3390 / jcm9092907

 Carcia CR, Cacolice PA, McGeary S. Defining lower extremity dominance: the relationship between preferred lower extremity and two functional tasks. 国际体育体育. 14(2):188-191, 2019

Hannah DC, 西贝克JS,加西亚CR, Phelps AL. Reliability and validity of a 1-person technique to measure humeral torsion using ultrasound. J运动训练. 53(6):590-596, 2018.

Martin RL, Chimenti R, Cuddeford T, Houck J, Matheson JW, 麦克多诺厘米, Paulseth S, Wukich DK, Carcia CR. Achilles pain, stiffness and muscle power deficits: midportion Achilles tendinopathy revision 2018. J矫形运动物理. 48(5):A1-A38, 2018.

Hannah DC, 西贝克JS,加西亚CR. Strength profiles in healthy individuals with and without scapular dyskinesis. 国际体育体育. 12(3):390-401, 2017.

Kivlan BR, Carcia CR, Christoforetti JJ, Martin RL. 运动范围的比较, strength, and hop test performance of dancers with and without femoroacetabular impingement. 国际体育体育. 11(4):527-535, 2016.

Kivlan BR, Carcia CR, Clemente R, Phelps AL, Martin RL. The effect of ASTYM therapy on muscle strength: a blinded, randomized, clinically controlled trial. 肌肉骨骼疾病. 16(325):1-10, 2015.

Cacolice PA, Carcia CR, Scibek JS, Phelps AL. The use of functional tests to predict sagittal plane knee kinematics in NCAA-D1 female athletes. 国际体育体育. 10(4):1-12, 2015.

西贝克JS,加西亚CR. Validation of a new method for assessing scapular anterior-posterior tilt. 国际体育体育. 9(5):644-656, 2014.

Carcia CR, Cacolice PA, Scibek JS. Sidelying glenohumeral internal rotation values in healthy collegiate populations. 国际体育体育. 8(6):793-799, 2013.

西贝克JS,加西亚CR. Validation and repeatability of a shoulder biomechanics data collection methodology and instrumentation. 苹果生物科技公司. 29(5):609–615, 2013.

Kivlan BR, Carcia CR, Clemente FR, Phelps AL, Martin RL. Reliability and validity of functional performance tests in dancers with hip dysfunction. 国际体育体育. 8(4):360-369, 2013.

Carcia CR, Scibek JS. Causation & 钙化性肌腱炎和周炎的治疗. 风湿病学的最新观点. 25(2):204-209, 2013.

林登伯格KM,加西亚CR. The influence of heel height on vertical ground reaction force during landing tasks in recreationally active and athletic collegiate females. 国际体育体育. 8(1):1-8, 2013.

Scibek J, Carcia CR. Presentation and conservative management of acute calcific tendinopathy: a case study & 文献综述. 运动康复杂志. 21:334-342, 2012.

Scibek J, Carcia CR. Assessment of scapulohumeral rhythm for scapular plane shoulder elevation using a modified digital inclinometer. 世界J正交. 3(6):87-94, 2012.

Carcia CR, Kivlan B, Scibek JS. Time to peak force is related to frontal plane landing kinematics in females. 运动物理治疗,13(2):73-79,2012.

林登伯格KM,加西亚CR, Phelps AL, Martin RL, Burrows AM. The influence of heel height on sagittal plane knee kinematics during landing tasks in recreationally active and athletic collegiate females. 国际体育体育., 6(3):186-189, 2011.

Carcia CR, Kivlan B, Scibek JS. The relationship between lower extremity closed kinetic chain strength and sagittal plane landing kinematics in female athletes. 国际体育体育. 6(1):1-9, 2011.

克里斯托弗·Carcia的 简历