
New Student Accommodation Application

Permanent Disabilities might include: 

  • 学习障碍
  • 身体残疾 
  • Chronic illness or Health condition
  • 精神健康状况

Temporary Accommodation Application

Temporary Disabilities might include: 

  • 主要的手臂或手骨折
  • 骨折的腿
  • 脑震荡
  • 大手术
  • 严重的疾病
  • 怀孕/育儿
Please note, these lists are only some of the common reasons students may seek accommodations. If you are unsure if accommodations are a good fit for you, complete an application and ask us to contact you for a brief preliminary conversation. 

How to Obtain Accommodations

Application Cancellation Policy

If EAS does not hear from the student after the application has been submitted and EAS's initial communication, EAS will attempt to contact the student via the student's Mavs email or phone for up to one month after the application submission date. After attempting to contact the student at least 3 times without success EAS will cancel the student's application.

  1. 每一个 semester, the student is required to log in to the 目标门户 to send accommodations to any or all new courses (regardless if the student has had the professor previously). 
  2. The student will need to contact EAS with any concerns, questions or changes needed. 
  3. 请注意住宿是 不具有追溯力, is it imperative to request accommodations in a timely manner.

*AIM Portal-Accessible Information Management: A comprehensive Accommodation, Appointment and Case Management software designed for disability services departments