
The 环境科学与技术 program educates students in the science, 保护, 恢复我们的自然资源——空气, 水, 土地, 和生态系统—as well as the sustainable design of the built environment. 环境问题本质上是跨学科的. 我们的学生在生物学方面打下了基础, 化学, 地质, 数学, 统计数据, 沟通技巧, and apply this knowledge in the study and solution of environmental problems. 我们将理论与实践相结合, and include considerable work outdoors in our spectacular local environment.

In the 本科 of Science in 环境科学与技术 students choose either the 污染监察及管制 option, which focuses on pollution prevention as well as investigation and cleanup, or the 生态系统恢复 option, which focuses on strategies for managing and restoring natural resources. 这个项目在我们的顶点课程中达到高潮, 学生以小组为单位进行计划, 执行一个现实生活中的项目, 然后把结果展示给校外的客户. In addition to providing students with a chance to showcase the knowledge and abilities they have acquired through their studies, students learn how to deal with the challenges of real-life project work.

The 环境科学 minor is an invaluable asset to students who are majoring in biology, 化学, 或者地质学和计划从事环境专业工作.


CMU’s 环境科学 program balances theory with hands-on practice. A large portion of the program is devoted to off-campus field work in our spectacular local environment. 我们班经常到沙漠实地考察, 山, 以及大枢纽周围公共土地上的主要河流. 我们的教师有各种各样的专业, enabling our students to gain experiences in a wide variety of areas. Class sizes are small, leading to quality interactions with the instructors.

T在这里 are two options to choose from within the 环境科学与技术 degree: 生态系统恢复 focuses on strategies for managing natural resources; in addition to the core courses, 学生完成土壤课程 & 可持续性, 恢复生态学, 环境政策, 植物生物学, 及其他环境科学限制性选修课程. 污染监察及管制 focuses on pollution prevention as well as investigation and cleanup; in addition to the core courses, 学生完成环境健康课程 & Safety, Environmental Regulatory Compliance, Applied Atmospheric Science, Pollution Investigation & Monitoring, Geology, 及其他环境科学限制性选修课程.

Academic Requirements for 本科 in 环境科学与技术

The 环境科学与技术 minor educates students in the science, 保护, 恢复我们的自然资源——空气, 水, 土地, 和生态系统.

Academic Requirements for 小 in 环境科学与技术

Graduates of CMU's 环境科学与技术 programs are employed as environmental professionals in consulting firms, 行业, 非营利组织, 和城市, 县, 状态, 联邦政府机构(e.g., U.S. 美国土地管理局.S.D.A. 美国林务局.S. 美国垦务局和美国.S. 地质调查). 一些毕业生继续在研究生院学习.g., Colorado School of Mines, Colorado State University, University of Denver).











The experience Jordan received through the environmental science program's many outdoor labs and fieldwork opportunities prepared him for the variety of fieldwork he now conducts in his career.




  • 表现出对术语的理解, 概念, 理论, 以及环境科学的实践. (专业知识)
  • 展示设计环境研究的能力. (定量分析能力、批判性思维能力)
  • Demonstrate the ability to analyze quantitative environmental data, 有效地将数据转换为图形或表格, 并解释结果. (定量分析能力、批判性思维能力)
  • 展示使用适当工具的能力, 技术, 以及测量和分析环境数据的方法. (技术能力)
  • 识别和评估假设, 假设, 对环境问题的不同看法, 然后阐明含义并形成结论. (批判性思维)
  • Construct an organized argument (oral and written) supported by current research on a technical issue in environmental science appropriate for a specialized audience. (沟通技巧)
  • Complete a field-based project that evaluates and proposes a solution for a local problem or need by effectively synthesizing applicable 概念 from environmental science and related disciplines. (应用学习)

请点击 在这里 for a table showing in which courses these objectives will be addressed.