
Emergencies and disasters have wide-ranging impacts on society. Emergency management is among the fastest growing professions. The EMDP certificate is a 9 credit-hour program taught by faculty with extensive professional experience in the field. The EMDP program positions you to obtain official certification by the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM). IAEM certification in turn qualifies you for entry-level positions in emergency management or emergency management-related positions in countless public, private and non-profit organizations.


These organizations all play a role in preparing for, 应对, 康复, and mitigating against natural, technological and health hazards in their communities. Thus, the EMDP certificate is a valuable asset to virtually any major or career path. Students in public sector disciplines like education, 社会工作, 刑事司法, 公共管理, and firefighting will be better prepared to step into roles within public organizations dealing with disasters. Students seeking careers in the private sector will be better positioned to contribute to the business continuity planning for those businesses. Students seeking work in the non-profit sector will better understand the role their non-profit organization can play in helping communities deal with disasters. Health majors will bring an emergency management perspective to health organizations.

Interested students are also welcome to contact Dr. 艾略特詹宁斯.
