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It is that time of year! Associated Student Government 选举 are upon us again. Associated Student Government serves as the official representation of the entire student body 卡内基梅隆大学. It is now the time to elect our team for the 2024-25 school year. You could be part of that team! 

There are 32 democratically elected student positions up for grabs including 16 Student Senators, 11 Student Representatives, the Student Trustee position, and of course the Student Body President and Vice President.  

To be elected to an ASG position you must: (1) file an intent to run form by completing the form enclosed in this email, (2) meet the qualifications of the office that you are seeking, (3) attend an election code of conduct meeting on March 14th or 15th, (4) abide by all rules and regulations of the election, and (5) receive the necessary votes to be elected into office.  

Take the first step to joining this team of passionate, 熟练的, and dedicated 小牛 by filling out this form today! Intent to Run forms will be open from 12:00am on February 26th to 11:59pm on March 11th.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Election Committee Chair, 恩典史泰宾斯, at (电子邮件保护).  

Best of luck and happy election season!